Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges
New Website Location
Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.
For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates
We apologise for the inconvenience.
You will find all the latest repair works for Flood Restoration - Roads and Bridges Program. All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Road Name' at the bottom of this page.
Why was this page designed?
Since the February 2022 natural disaster, we have had an extended period of wet weather, which has significantly affected our road network. It rained three out of four days between November 2021 and April 2022.
This resulted in 90% of our 1200km road network suffering extensive damage, with an estimated $200 million to rebuild and repair. Significant damage also occurred to many bridges, causeways, reinforced concrete pipes, reinforced concrete box culverts and footpaths across our road network. Some key access roads have been reduced to single lanes due to landslips.
Immediately after flood waters receded, our road crews conducted emergency repairs on more than 80 roads to allow access for residents. Several construction crews worked extended hours to ensure damaged roads were reopened/made safe as soon as possible. As the repairs progress, we will provide more detailed updates on the specific flood-related damage to our road network and information on how you can report damaged roads to Council.
Assessments are underway at the larger and more complex damaged sites. There are specific engineering tasks in some areas which are necessary and will take time. Some sites may see temporary measures such as side-track access, temporary pothole repair and gravel roads before permanent construction works at these locations commence. Planning will continue to ensure works are undertaken as quickly as possible. Priorities are based on public safety with consideration of further damage, maintaining access and links between communities, hierarchy of roads and efficiency of results.
What process does Council have to go through when we have a 'disaster event'?
When we experience a natural disaster such as a flood event, which causes significant damage to our infrastructure, there are a number of steps that Council has to go through, like an insurance claim process. Council identifies, assesses and then makes a claim for the damage from the appropriate funding body. As we do not have the money to pay for these kind of extraordinary events from our day to day budgets. There are strict rules regarding documentation.
There are multiple steps in this process including design investigation, final design, approval, scheduling of work crews and/or engagement of contractors so there can be a long lag time from the actual event to the rectification works being started and completed. The table below shows further details and indicative timings for the steps in this process: (All timings are subject to weather, contractor and material availability)
Major Flood Recovery Works Map
Flood restoration works are critical to repairing damages caused by previous natural disasters and getting life back on track. However, these works can be complex, especially when dealing with large-scale disasters like the February 2022 event. At Lismore City Council, we understand the challenges that come with flood restoration works and are proud to launch this interactive map focusing on major flood recovery works within the Lismore LGA to assist the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information. Please note, timeframes are subject to change in the next few months as the project delivery strategy evolves.
Click here to view the interactive map.
Disclaimer: This tool has been provided by Lismore City Council to provide up to date information on the status of the flood damaged Council assets. The identified locations are the projects considered for EPAR funding provided by the Australian Commonwealth under the DRFA guidelines. The information provided on this tool is general in nature and subject to change based on final design calculations, funding approvals, and changing site circumstances. This data is frequently updated to provide the community with the latest information. When contacting Council, please reference the location damage number.
Further Information
New Website Location
Updates for the Flood Restoration Portfolio have now moved to a designated page on the Lismore City Council website.
For further information, please visit: https://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au/Business/Flood-Restoration-Portfolio/FRP-Project-Updates
We apologise for the inconvenience.
You will find all the latest repair works for Flood Restoration - Roads and Bridges Program. All current works that have updates are categorised by project name. If viewing via a smartphone, you can find the 'Projects by Road Name' at the bottom of this page.
Why was this page designed?
Since the February 2022 natural disaster, we have had an extended period of wet weather, which has significantly affected our road network. It rained three out of four days between November 2021 and April 2022.
This resulted in 90% of our 1200km road network suffering extensive damage, with an estimated $200 million to rebuild and repair. Significant damage also occurred to many bridges, causeways, reinforced concrete pipes, reinforced concrete box culverts and footpaths across our road network. Some key access roads have been reduced to single lanes due to landslips.
Immediately after flood waters receded, our road crews conducted emergency repairs on more than 80 roads to allow access for residents. Several construction crews worked extended hours to ensure damaged roads were reopened/made safe as soon as possible. As the repairs progress, we will provide more detailed updates on the specific flood-related damage to our road network and information on how you can report damaged roads to Council.
Assessments are underway at the larger and more complex damaged sites. There are specific engineering tasks in some areas which are necessary and will take time. Some sites may see temporary measures such as side-track access, temporary pothole repair and gravel roads before permanent construction works at these locations commence. Planning will continue to ensure works are undertaken as quickly as possible. Priorities are based on public safety with consideration of further damage, maintaining access and links between communities, hierarchy of roads and efficiency of results.
What process does Council have to go through when we have a 'disaster event'?
When we experience a natural disaster such as a flood event, which causes significant damage to our infrastructure, there are a number of steps that Council has to go through, like an insurance claim process. Council identifies, assesses and then makes a claim for the damage from the appropriate funding body. As we do not have the money to pay for these kind of extraordinary events from our day to day budgets. There are strict rules regarding documentation.
There are multiple steps in this process including design investigation, final design, approval, scheduling of work crews and/or engagement of contractors so there can be a long lag time from the actual event to the rectification works being started and completed. The table below shows further details and indicative timings for the steps in this process: (All timings are subject to weather, contractor and material availability)
Major Flood Recovery Works Map
Flood restoration works are critical to repairing damages caused by previous natural disasters and getting life back on track. However, these works can be complex, especially when dealing with large-scale disasters like the February 2022 event. At Lismore City Council, we understand the challenges that come with flood restoration works and are proud to launch this interactive map focusing on major flood recovery works within the Lismore LGA to assist the community with finding efficient, up-to-date information. Please note, timeframes are subject to change in the next few months as the project delivery strategy evolves.
Click here to view the interactive map.
Disclaimer: This tool has been provided by Lismore City Council to provide up to date information on the status of the flood damaged Council assets. The identified locations are the projects considered for EPAR funding provided by the Australian Commonwealth under the DRFA guidelines. The information provided on this tool is general in nature and subject to change based on final design calculations, funding approvals, and changing site circumstances. This data is frequently updated to provide the community with the latest information. When contacting Council, please reference the location damage number.
Further Information
Keerrong Road - Flood Restoration Works (Aug 2023)
Share Keerrong Road - Flood Restoration Works (Aug 2023) on Facebook Share Keerrong Road - Flood Restoration Works (Aug 2023) on Twitter Share Keerrong Road - Flood Restoration Works (Aug 2023) on Linkedin Email Keerrong Road - Flood Restoration Works (Aug 2023) linkFollowing the February 2022 natural disaster, Keerrong Road suffered extensive damage due to landslips and erosion. Funding has now been secured to complete restoration works.
Works are located at Keerrong Road and will begin from 14 September 2023 for approximately 3 weeks, subject to weather, contractor and material availability. The works will include excavation of slipped material and reconstruction of the road embankment.
A full road closure will be required around the works zone throughout the works period. A detour is available via Pinchin Road, motorists will be notified ahead of the closure via roadside signage, updated through www.livetraffic.com, and on Your Say (details below). Residents will have access to their properties via Pinchin Road and The Channon Road but will be unable to drive through the landslip work zone. Please adhere to all road closed signs and directions from any traffic controllers.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Keerrong Road – August 2023 Update.’
Whian Whian Road - Simes Bridge Update (Aug 2023)
Share Whian Whian Road - Simes Bridge Update (Aug 2023) on Facebook Share Whian Whian Road - Simes Bridge Update (Aug 2023) on Twitter Share Whian Whian Road - Simes Bridge Update (Aug 2023) on Linkedin Email Whian Whian Road - Simes Bridge Update (Aug 2023) linkDuring the February 2022 natural disaster, the northern abutment of Simes Bridge on Whian Whian Road was impacted. Temporary works were carried out to restore access and the site is currently limited to one-lane traffic access under a give-way arrangement.
The bridge is currently under restrictions and monitoring due to the flood damage. However, it will be opened today, 10th August 2023, to two lanes at reduced speeds to improve travel for residents. The bridge will continue to be sign posted limiting motorists to 40km/hr and speed bumps have been installed on the road entering the bridge.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Simes Bridge, Whian Whian Road – July Update.’
Town Road - Bridge Installation (Aug 2023)
Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (Aug 2023) on Facebook Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (Aug 2023) on Twitter Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (Aug 2023) on Linkedin Email Town Road - Bridge Installation (Aug 2023) linkWe wish to provide an update on the Town Bridge replacement project in light of recent construction issues experienced onsite and advise of subsequent delays to the project as a result.
What has caused the delay?
As you will be aware, piling works have recently been completed which included the installation of four bored, reinforced concrete piles. Unfortunately, two of the piles are defective and do not meet the design requirements of the project. As a result, these two piles need to be abandoned and can no longer form part of the bridge structure.
What does this mean for the project?
The next step for the project will be a partial re-design of the bridge structure including the piles and abutments. During this time, there will be no works performed onsite. We are working closely with our contractors and consultants to resolve these issues as soon as possible. Once the re-design has been completed, construction works will recommence and will include additional piling works, construction of the abutments and installation of the new steel bridge. No additional project costs are anticipated as a result of these issues or the additional works outlined.
Unfortunately, it is likely the re-design and additional piling will result in an approximate three-month delay to the completion of the project. However, we remain confident that the new bridge will be completed by Christmas.
What do I need to do?
Please continue to use the temporary access road at low speed, obey adjusted speed limits and drive carefully.
Who should I contact with questions/ concerns?
We apologise for this un-planned delay and will provide a further update prior to works recommencing onsite. Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Town Bridge Replacement project ’.
If you would like more information or to stay updated on this project, please visit: https://yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au/fixing-country-bridges
Road Speed Limits (Jul 2023)
Share Road Speed Limits (Jul 2023) on Facebook Share Road Speed Limits (Jul 2023) on Twitter Share Road Speed Limits (Jul 2023) on Linkedin Email Road Speed Limits (Jul 2023) linkHow Road Speed Limits are set
As our roads continue to improve after the 2022 natural disaster, it is important that we all adhere to posted speed limits as they are designed to protect you and others on the road.
Speed limits are set to ensure drivers can safely respond to potential risks on the road. They are set to manage the risk of crashes and minimise the force that road users are exposed to.
Speed limits and reviews are managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW), not Council, and are determined by several crucial factors. These include:- Crash risk
- Road characteristics (alignment, lane width and access points)
- Road function
- Roadside development
- Traffic characteristics
- At-risk locations
- The presence of vulnerable road users
For the most up to date information about speed limits and how they are set go to https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au
To provide feedback on current speed limits or changes to speed limits go to https://www.saferroadsnsw.com.au/haveyoursay.aspx -
Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (July 2023)
Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (July 2023) on Facebook Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (July 2023) on Twitter Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (July 2023) on Linkedin Email Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (July 2023) linkROADS & BRIDGES FLOOD RESTORATION PROJECT UPDATE
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Pavement Investigations
During July, Council completed pavement investigations involving drilling operations on the following roads:
- Rock Valley / Cawongla Road
- Crofton Road
Cawongla Road
During July, flood remediation drainage works were completed on Cawongla Road.
Nimbin Road
Roadworks have commenced on two landslip sites on Nimbin Road that have been identified as significantly impacted by the February 2022 natural disaster. Funding was secured through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement (DRFA). This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only.
Works have already commenced at both sites, with Site 1 is approximately 1 km from Nimbin and Site 2 is approximately 4 kms from Nimbin. The works are currently on program at Site 1 with bulk earthworks now completed and 80 piles out of 240 are now installed. In the following weeks, concrete works are due to commence. At Site 2, there is an approximately 2 weeks delay due to the requirement to construct additional erosion protection to stop the soil washing away in heavy rain. The gabion erosion protection will be completed this week and pile installation will commence in 2 weeks’ time.
The works are expected to occur over 9 months from mid-May 2023 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. This will involve piling and retaining wall construction works to allow repair of the landslips, reconstruction of pavement, reinstatement of road and guardrail barriers along with installing signs, guideposts, and line marking. Traffic control lights remain in place and existing single lane traffic control will remain in place during the works period. Council would like to thank the residents of the region for their patience during this time.Pavement Investigations
Council staff are continuing to perform pavement investigations involving drilling operations on the following roads:
- Blue Knob Road
- Jiggi Road
- Gwynne Road
- Nimbin Road
Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (June 2023)
Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (June 2023) on Facebook Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (June 2023) on Twitter Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (June 2023) on Linkedin Email Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (June 2023) linkROADS & BRIDGES FLOOD RESTORATION PROJECT UPDATE
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Nimbin Road
Council has commenced roadworks on two landslip sites on Nimbin Road that have been identified as significantly impacted by the February 2022 natural disaster. Funding was secured through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement (DRFA). This funding is allocated to repair damage sustained during the February 2022 natural disaster only. Works have already commenced at both sites, with Site 1 is approximately 1 km from Nimbin and Site 2 is approximately 4 kms from Nimbin. During the past month, both sites have undergone site establishment, installation of steel barriers and traffic lights, establishment of safety and environmental control, tree cutting along the entire embankment slope, removal of road materials including asphalt, and preliminary excavation ready for drilling operations.
The activities scheduled during the next month for both sites include completion of preliminary excavation, completion of working platform for drilling operation, excavation of working benches (a series of horizontal steps with near-vertical surfaces between them), completion of piling operation and construction of rock embankment at site 2. The works are expected to occur over 9 months from mid-May 2023 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. This will involve piling and retaining wall construction works to allow repair of the landslips, reconstruction of pavement, reinstatement of road and guardrail barriers along with installing signs, guideposts, and line marking. Traffic control lights remain in place and existing single lane traffic control will remain in place during the works period. Council would like to thank the residents of the region for their patience during this time.
Town Road
Funding was awarded by the NSW Government through its Fixing Country Bridges program to replace the damaged structure at Town Road, Terania Creek with a new steel superstructure bridge. Piling works are well underway installing the four 1.2m diameter x 13.5m deep bored concrete piles. The first pile has been drilled to depth and its concrete placed with the second and third pile to be completed at the beginning of July. The upcoming weather system will likely delay the installation of the fourth and final pile. Following completion of the piling activities, works will commence on forming up the abutments. The steel bridge structure has also recently been dispatched from France and is currently on route and is expected in the Port of Brisbane in approximately 45 days.
Whian Whian Road – Simes Bridge (Vandalism)
We want to thank the local residents who use Whian Whian Road for their patience with what is a difficult process to repair Simes Bridge. Unfortunately, late Friday night (23rd June), the traffic barriers used to reduce the bridge to one lane were thrown over the edge and into the creek below. Simes Bridge suffered damage last year from massive weather events and shortly afterwards was inspected and assessed by independent engineers. The bridge is able to remain open to a single lane of traffic only. Single-lane access reduces the load impacting the bridge and avoids a closure to Whian Whian Road at this point. Traffic barriers are required to manage single-lane access. Criminal activity can be reported to the Police. Council has a call centre for reporting damages to community property; please phone 0266 250 500 or email council@lismore.nsw.gov.au
Tuntable Creek Road
We would like to thank the Tuntable Creek community for the wonderful feedback we have received about our new SMS Broadcast system.
In the event of rainfall exceeding our trigger level or other significant changes, the temporary track will be closed again at short notice. We apologise for the disruption this causes and delays in travelling alternative routes. To reduce the inconvenience, the Flood Recovery – Roads and Bridges team were granted access to an SMS Broadcast service to generate a contact list for Tuntable Creek Road emergency road shutdowns. Residents can join this broadcast list, through emailing floodrecoveryroadsbridges@lismore.nsw.gov.au your name, mobile number, and permission to contact via SMS.
Dudgeon Road & Bungabbee Road – Bridge Approaches
Works are due to commence in the next two weeks on the reinstatement of Dudgeon Bridge approaches on Dudgeon Road. These works will involve removal and reinstatement of the flood damaged bridge approaches which will include an asphalt wearing surface. Following completion of Dudgeon Bridge, works will then commence on Bungabbee Bridge approaches. Both projects will take approximately two weeks each to complete.
Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Road
Following the 2022 natural disaster Terania Creek Road suffered extensive damage. Due to the nature and high number of damages incurred, works are being finalised on how best to provide timely improvements for the community and road users. The current structure at Branch Creek has received funding from the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for replacement of the flood damaged asset. Works will include replacing the current box culvert structure with a 16m bridge and extending erosion protection to the edge of the road. The funding application for other damages on Terania Creek Road are currently being assessed. Survey and design work commenced in June 2023 for the replacement structure and works will commence in 2024.
Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Rd (Jun 2023)
Share Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Rd (Jun 2023) on Facebook Share Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Rd (Jun 2023) on Twitter Share Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Rd (Jun 2023) on Linkedin Email Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Rd (Jun 2023) linkFollowing the 2022 natural disaster Terania Creek Road suffered extensive damage. Due to the nature and high number of damages incurred, works are being finalised on how best to provide timely improvements for the community and road users.
The current structure at Branch Creek has received funding from the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for replacement of the flood damaged asset. Works will include replacing the current box culvert structure with a 16m bridge and extending erosion protection to the edge of the road.
The funding application for other damages on Terania Creek Road are currently being assessed. Survey and design work commenced in June 2023 for the replacement structure and works will commence in 2024.
Further InformationAdditional updates for these works will be posted on our Your Say dedicated Maintaining Roads and Bridges page: https://yoursay.lismore.nsw.gov.au/maintaining-our-roads-and-bridges
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Branch Creek Crossing – June Update.’
Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023)
Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023) on Facebook Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023) on Twitter Share Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023) on Linkedin Email Flood Restoration - Roads & Bridges Update (May 2023) linkROADS & BRIDGES FLOOD RESTORATION PROJECT UPDATE
Please note, several road and bridge projects progressing concurrently, below are updates for some projects progressing this month. Please check the 'Projects By Name' and select the road name for latest updates. Additionally, if there is a road you would like specific flood restoration updates on, please register your contact details via our notification list form.
Wallace Road
Council recently completed temporary pavement patching works around the slip area on Wallace Road to improve road surface conditions. The works are a temporary measure, until permanent pavement rehabilitation works are scheduled.
Mackie Road
Following the AGRN943 2020 natural disaster the Mackie Road causeway at Johnston Creek suffered extensive damage. Funding was awarded to replace the damaged structure with a bridge to reduce impediments to fish passage. The Mackie Road culvert to bridge replacement at Johnston Creek works are now completed with the road opening at the end of May 2023. Work at site began in March and during May the bridge concrete pours, guardrail installation and bridge approaches were completed, with the final stage of works involving bitumen sealing and batter protection. Council would like to thank residents and road users for their patience during the road closure.
Tuntable Creek Road
Recently, council staff were forced to close Tuntable Creek Road for two days due to rainfall. We apologise to the community for the inconvenience caused and delays in travelling alternative routes. As the site has not had its permanent repair designed and constructed, a management plan is in place which requires visual inspections, geotechnical instrument readings, surveying monitoring, rain records and photograph evidence. In the event of rainfall exceeding our trigger level or other significant changes, the temporary track will be closed again at short notice. Please contact floodrecoveryroadsbridges@lismore.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘Tuntable Creek Road notification list’ to register your contact details to receive updates.
Nimbin Road
Council commenced roadworks on two landslip sites on Nimbin Road during May. The first major construction works involve tree felling for both sites, with site one having larger trees which will land on the road. The works are expected to occur over 9 months from mid-May 2023 subject to weather, contractor, and material availability. This will involve piling and retaining wall construction works to allow repair of the landslips, reconstruction of pavement, reinstatement of road and guardrail barriers along with installing signs, guideposts, and line marking. Traffic control lights remain in place and existing single lane traffic control will remain in place during the works period. Road users are advised to follow VMS boards and signage, with delays expected as these works commence.
Town Road
Funding was awarded by the NSW Government through its Fixing Country Bridges program to replace the damaged structure at Town Road, Terania Creek with a new steel superstructure bridge. The innovative steel structure has been constructed in France and will be launched into place in one piece. Unique for the area, this type of structure will be the first in the region. Works have recommenced at the site in April 2023, where a temporary track has now been constructed in preparation for bridges piling. A planned completion date is scheduled for September 2023, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.
Wyrallah Road & Wyrallah Ferry Road
During May, the rock bridging layer and subbase layer were completed for Wyrallah Ferry Road intersection, with works starting at the end of May on drainage. Pipes were also laid through the park at Wyrallah Ferry Road Intersection. During June, all drainage works are scheduled to be completed followed by site clean-up and project completion.
Cawongla Road
Drainage works on Cawongla Road are continuing with two new sections recently completed. It is anticipated work crews will reach the halfway mark next week. Council would like thank residents for their positive feedback and continued patience as the works progress.
Branch Creek Crossing, Terania Creek Road
Following the 2022 natural disaster Terania Creek Road suffered extensive damage. Due to the nature and high number of damages incurred, works are being finalised on how best to provide timely improvements for the community and road users. The current structure at Branch Creek Crossing has received funding from disaster recovery funding arrangement (DRFA) for replacement of the flood damaged asset. An alternative structure is necessary to increase resilience of the network. Works will include replacing the current box culvert structure with a 16m bridge and extending erosion protection to the edge of the road. Additional works required and subsequent funding for other damages on Terania Creek Road are being assessed. Survey and design work is commencing in June 2023.
Town Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023)
Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Facebook Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Twitter Share Town Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Linkedin Email Town Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) linkFunding was awarded by the NSW Government through its Fixing Country Bridges program to replace the damaged structure at Town Road, Terania Creek with a new steel superstructure bridge.
The innovative steel structure has been constructed in France and will be launched into place in one piece. Unique for the area, this type of structure will be the first in the region. Works have recommenced at the site in April 2023, where a temporary track has now been constructed in preparation for bridges piling. A planned completion date is scheduled for September 2023, subject to weather, contractor, and material availability.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Town Road Bridge – May Update’.
Mackie Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023)
Share Mackie Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Facebook Share Mackie Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Twitter Share Mackie Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) on Linkedin Email Mackie Road - Bridge Installation (May 2023) linkFollowing the AGRN943 2020 natural disaster the Mackie Road causeway at Johnston Creek suffered extensive damage. Funding was awarded to replace the damaged structure with a bridge to reduce impediments to fish passage.
The Mackie Road culvert to bridge replacement at Johnston Creek works are now completed with the road opening the 31st of May 2023, at 10am. Work at site began in March and during May the bridge concrete pours, guardrail installation and bridge approaches were completed, with the final stage of works involving bitumen sealing and batter protection.
Council would like to thank residents and road users for their patience during the road closure.
Further Information
Should you wish to contact us directly with any questions or comments, or register your contact details to receive updates, please call (02) 6625 0500 or email frp@lismore.nsw.gov.au and include the title ‘Mackie Road Johnston Creek Bridge – May Update.’
Major Flood Restoration Works Map
Click the image below to access our interactive map
The easy to navigate map allows users to zoom in and out, switch between damages, and access detailed information about each site. This functionality benefits residents surrounding these damaged site locations by providing critical insights, proposed remediation works and estimated timeframes.
Disclaimer: This tool has been provided by Lismore City Council to provide up to date information on the status of the flood damaged Council assets. The identified locations are the projects considered for EPAR funding provided by the Australian Commonwealth under the DRFA guidelines. The information provided on this tool is general in nature and subject to change based on final design calculations, funding approvals, and changing site circumstances. This data is frequently updated to provide the community with the latest information. When contacting Council, please reference the location damage number.
Live Traffic
Latest information on accidents, delays, road closures and road works in the Northern Rivers - please click here.
Projects By Road Name
- Alphadale Road (2)
- Anderson Road (1)
- Arkinstall Road (1)
- Armstrong Road (1)
- Ashlin Road (2)
- Avondale Avenue (1)
- Axford Road (1)
- Bagotville Road (1)
- Basil Road (1)
- Beardow Road (1)
- Behan Access (1)
- Bent Street (1)
- Bertoli Road (1)
- Bice Road (4)
- Bishops Creek Road (3)
- Black Creek Road (1)
- Black Road (8)
- Blade Road (1)
- Blue Knob Road (16)
- Boatharbour Road (2)
- Boggumbil Road (3)
- Booerie Creek Road (2)
- Boyle Road (3)
- Braidwood Road (1)
- Branch Creek Road (2)
- Brice Road (1)
- Bridge Street (1)
- Broadwater Road (1)
- Browning Road (1)
- Bruxner Crescent (1)
- Bungabbee Road (2)
- Canaiba Road (6)
- Caniaba Road (2)
- Carabeen Place (3)
- Cathcart Street (1)
- Cawongla Road (20)
- Cecil Street (1)
- Clark Road (1)
- Clunes (1)
- Clyde Campbell Carpark (1)
- College Road (1)
- Cook Road (1)
- Coraki Road (4)
- Corndale Road (8)
- Cosy Camp Road (3)
- Cowlong Road (3)
- Crofton Road (13)
- Cross Road (2)
- Cullen Road (1)
- Cusack Road (1)
- Davis Road (2)
- Dorroughby Road (8)
- Dudgeon Road (2)
- Duncan Road (5)
- Dunoon Road (9)
- East Road (2)
- Eastment Road (1)
- Eltham Road (3)
- Emily Street (1)
- Eureka Road (7)
- Fairfull Road (1)
- Fernside Bridge (5)
- Fernside Road (1)
- Fox Road (1)
- Fraser Road (2)
- Gibson Lane (1)
- Gordon Road (1)
- Grace Road (1)
- Graham Road (9)
- Gravel Roads (4)
- Gray Road (2)
- Greengate Road (1)
- Gundarimba Road (2)
- Gundurimba Road (4)
- Gungas Road (9)
- Gwynne Road (6)
- Haywood Lane (7)
- Hensen Bridge (1)
- Henson Bridge (1)
- Hewitt Road (1)
- Houlden Road (1)
- Howards Grass Road (1)
- Humpty Back Road (1)
- Hunters Hill Road (1)
- Industry Drive (3)
- Izzard Road (1)
- Jacobson Road (1)
- James Gibson Road (2)
- James Street (1)
- Jiggi Road (11)
- Johnston Road (12)
- Keerrong Bridge (4)
- Keerrong Road (21)
- Kellas Street (2)
- Kilgin Road (1)
- Koonorigan Road (11)
- Kyogle Road (5)
- Kyogle Street (1)
- Lagoon Grass Road (1)
- Lavis Road (1)
- Lawler Road (1)
- Leeson Road (2)
- Leycester Road (11)
- Lillian Rock Road (3)
- Lodge Road (1)
- Lychee Drive (1)
- Mackie Road (8)
- Magellan Street (2)
- Main Street (1)
- Martin Road (4)
- Mathieson Lane (1)
- McGuinness Road (1)
- McInnes Road (1)
- McKinnon Road (1)
- McMahon Road (1)
- Middleton Way (2)
- Milgate Road (4)
- Minyon Falls Road (1)
- Moffitt Road (1)
- Monaltire Road (1)
- Moras Road (2)
- Mountain Top Road (8)
- Mountain View Drive (1)
- Muldoon Road (1)
- Mulvena Road (1)
- Munro Wharf Road (1)
- News Article (8)
- Newton Drive (8)
- Nightcap Range Road (4)
- Nimbin Road (32)
- Nimbin Street (1)
- Nimoola Road (1)
- Noble Road (1)
- Northcott Road (2)
- Norton Road (1)
- O'Flynn Street (1)
- Oakey Creek Road (9)
- Orion Street (7)
- Parmenter Road (2)
- Paterson Road (2)
- Patterson Road (1)
- Pelican Creek Road (1)
- Phillip Street (1)
- Pinchin Road (14)
- Potessu Road (1)
- Pothole repair (3)
- Pound Street (1)
- Quilty Road (9)
- Quilty Road (1)
- Range Court (1)
- Rankin Road (1)
- Repentance Creek Road (7)
- Richmond Hill Road (5)
- Ridgewood Road (1)
- River Bank Road (2)
- Riverbank Road (4)
- Robb Road (1)
- Robertson Bridge (1)
- Robson Road (1)
- Rock Valley Road (10)
- Rocky Creek Dam Road (1)
- Rogerson Road (9)
- Rose Road (2)
- Rosebank Road (5)
- Rosehill Road (2)
- Ross Road (1)
- Rous Road (2)
- Savins Road (1)
- Sexton Bridge (5)
- Sheehan Road (2)
- Shipway Road (1)
- Sibley Street (1)
- Skyline Road (6)
- Skyline Road South (1)
- Standing Street (1)
- Stanger Road (3)
- Stead Road (1)
- Stony Chute Road (12)
- Suffolk Road (1)
- Swan Bay Road (2)
- Symonds Road (1)
- Tatham Road (5)
- Terania Creek Road (20)
- The Channon Road (9)
- Thorburn Street (1)
- Three Chain Road (1)
- Town Road (8)
- Tregeagle Road (1)
- Trinity Drive (1)
- Tucki Road (4)
- Tuckurimba Road (2)
- Tulk Road (1)
- Tuntable Creek Road (47)
- Tuntable Falls Road (7)
- Ubrihien Street (1)
- Unara Road (1)
- Upper Coopers Creeek Road (1)
- Upper Tuntable Falls Road (9)
- Uralba Street (1)
- Virtue Road (1)
- Wallace Road (14)
- Walmsley Road (1)
- Warby Road (1)
- Webber Road (1)
- Whian Whian Road (8)
- Wilson Street (2)
- Woodlawn Road (4)
- Wybelena Road (2)
- Wyrallah Ferry Road (1)
- Wyrallah Road (10)
- Wyrallah Village (2)
- Yeager Road (4)
- Young Road (1)
- Zouch Road (7)
Latest information relating to the planning, construction and operation of infrastructure projects in NSW on behalf of Transport for NSW
Latest information relating to the planning, construction and operation of infrastructure projects in NSW on behalf of Transport for NSW - please click here.